Hello from the Shadows

What’s Poppin Po Town! While I’m sure many of you were expecting to read about a brand new deck in this article, you might be surprised that I’m covering an older archetype. Let’s put it this way - I’m surprised too! In this article, I’ll share why Dragapult VMAX (Rebel Clash) is back, how to play it, a few lists, and the matchup spread for this deck! If you’re missing any of the cards for this deck, feel free to pick up some PTCGO codes right here at PoTown Store! There is a large selection of PTCGO codes, including the shiny Dragapult VMAX Promo code, that can help you build this pokemon online deck ASAP. That being said, let’s jump into it.

An Unexpected Return

Dragapult Vmax

When I saw Henry Brand (@BenryBrand) piloting his new Dragapult VMAX deck in my Late Night Series (@LateNightPTCG) event, I was shocked. He took the existing Drizzile (Shining Fates) Shady Dealings engine and paired it with the Quick Shooting Inteleon (Chilling Reign) for synergy. What this means is that you can effectively search out whatever you need, place most of your damage where you want to, and create some compelling turns in the process. The brand included plenty of cool tech cards in his list, such as Suspicious Food Tin (Champions Path) for healing, and it worked because he won the whole event! Let’s check out his list:

Dragapult VMAX / Inteleon Deck

Pokémon (19)

Trainers (34)

Energy (7)

1x Galarian Zigzagoon SHF 1514x Marnie PR-SW 1214x Horror Psychic Energy RCL 172
4x Dragapult V RCL 924x Level Ball BST 1813x Psychic Energy CRE 232
3x Dragapult VMAX RCL 934x Fog Crystal CRE 227
4x Sobble CRE 414x Evolution Incense SSH 163
4x Drizzile SHF 991x Switch SUM 160
1x Inteleon SHF 1001x Escape Rope BUS 163
2x Inteleon EVS 2272x Boss's Orders RCL 189

1x Scoop Up Net RCL 207

3x Professor's Research SSH 201

3x Quick Ball SSH 216

4x Path to the Peak CRE 148

1x Raihan EVS 202

1x Tool Jammer BST 136

1x Suspicious Food Tin CPA 80

dragapult vmax decklist


Path to the Peak

The strategy of this deck is to get out Dragapult VMAX ASAP and start using Max Phantom. You can make this happen with Drizzile, Fog Crystal (Chilling Reign), and any of your Supporter Cards. Placing Damage Counters with Max Phantom requires foresight into the game so that you can plan to draw multiple Prize Cards in future turns. This is compounded by Inteleon’s Quick Shooting Ability allowing you much more flexibility and damage output. Your side strategy is to use Marnie (Sword and Shield) to lower your opponent's hand size and play down Path to Peak (Chilling Reign) to stop your opponent's Abilities. It doesn’t always stick, but you can try again and again until it does. Brand plays a bunch of tech cards, like Tool Jammer (Battle Styles), but I personally prefer playing a more streamlined list. Let’s check out my list:

Dragapult VMAX / Inteleon Deck

Pokémon (20)

Trainers (33)

Energy (7)

1x Galarian Zigzagoon SHF 1514x Marnie PR-SW 1214x Horror Psychic Energy RCL 172
4x Dragapult V RCL 924x Level Ball BST 1813x Psychic Energy CRE 232
3x Dragapult VMAX RCL 934x Fog Crystal CRE 227
4x Sobble CRE 414x Evolution Incense SSH 163
4x Drizzile SHF 991x Switch SUM 160
1x Inteleon SHF 1001x Escape Rope BUS 163
3x Inteleon EVS 2272x Boss's Orders RCL 189

1x Scoop Up Net RCL 207

3x Professor's Research SSH 201

3x Quick Ball SSH 216

4x Path to the Peak CRE 148

2x Raihan EVS 202

Dragapult Vmax Decklist


Leafeon Vmax

Dragapult VMAX is a deck that requires a decent bit of skill to play since it requires you to carefully place Damage Counters with it’s Max Phantomattack and Inteleon’s Quick Shooting Ability. That alone can require turns of foresight to get optimal results and make paths to winning seem obsolete. I’ll share the best strategies for some of the top Pokemon online decks in the format to help you along the way. Let’s check them out.

Shadow Rider Calyrex VMAX

This matchup is close because you have a lower damage output than them overall, but you have access to Path to the Peak + Marnie to slow them down. Attempt to isolate their Alcremie V (Champions Path) before it Evolves because you’ll likely be facing a G Max Whisk the following turn. As long as they aren’t in a position to take back to back OHKOs on VMAX Pokémon, you’re likely in a good spot.

Jolteon VMAX

Both of these decks seem to be similar in nature, but Jolteon VMAX (Evolving Skies) can do more damage for less Energy which tells me that this matchup is unfavorable. This is a case where Brand’s tech of Tool Jammer would be a fantastic way to shut down Elemental Badge (Evolving Skies) so that their deck would require more Energy to attack. If you do find yourself facing this matchup, attempt to outspeed them at any cost and apply as much pressure as possible.

Rapid Strike Urshifu VMAX

This is a super favorable matchup because Rapid Strike Urshifu VMAX (Battle Styles) has a Weakness to Psychic-type Pokémon and Dragapult VMAX has a Resistance to Fighting-type Pokémon. If the matchup becomes close due to a poor start, try and plan your Damage Counters to draw multiple Prize Cards at once. It’s a lesser stated rule about our Post Rotation format, but having more Quick Shooting Inteleon in play than your opponent is usually a good thing.

Zacian V

This is a close matchup because Zacian V (Sword and Shield) can use Intrepid Sword into an early Brave Blade, but you also have Path to the Peak to stop your opponent. As long as they don’t find Crystal Cave to reduce your damage output, this matchup is easy going, but if they do, you won’t have an easy time getting around Zamazenta V (Sword and Shield). Carefully plan your use of Marnie to stop them from having access to Crystal Cave and use your Path to the Peak carefully.

Leafeon VMAX

This is another tough matchup, but you can use Path to the Peak to bump their Galar Mine (Rebel Clash) to lower the output of Leafeon VMAX’s (Evolving Skies) Grass Knot attack. I’m worried that their average damage output of 240 (four Retreat Cost) versus your 180 (130 + five Damage Counters) might not be enough to close the gap. Using Boss’s Orders (Rebel Clash) strategically to gust up Pokémon and drawing multiple Prize Cards certainly seems like the best strategy possible.

Back to Testing

Well, that’s it for Dragapult VMAX today! The deck has some relatively strong matchups and the combination of Marnie + Path to the Peak can stop anything sometimes! I think the current iterations of this deck will be relatively playable for the remainder of our Sword and Shield to Evolving Skies format so feel free to try it out! I’m personally loving our new Post Rotation metagame and I’m going to do my best to cover as many relevant Pokémon TCG decks as possible. I still have a ways to go, but I’ll get there soon enough! Thanks for reading and have a great one.

About the Writer

Zach Lesage is a contributing writer for PoTown Store. As a Toronto local, he has been playing the Pokemon Trading Card Game since 2005 and creates Pokemon content as his full time career. As Zach Lesage PTCG, he creates YouTube content, streams on Twitch, and provides hot takes on his Twitter. With multiple prestigious accomplishments in the game, such as the 2020 Players Cup 2 Champion and the 2020 Oceania International Championships Finalist, he has proven his success in the game. Outside of the game, he travels the world, enjoys the culture of designer streetwear, and is a professionally trained chef. You can catch him at most Pokemon events and follow him on Twitter @ZachLesagePTCG.