When you buy Pokémon TCG Live codes in bulk, it brings the price per code slightly lower. The more codes you buy, the more you save!You can always buy codes in smaller amounts through this link. Bulk deals allow you to buy online Pokémon TCG code cards in a large quantity and save more money in the process.
Soar high with the release of Evolving Skies - an amazing set filled with Dragon-type Pokémon and “Eevee”-lution Pokémon. You heard that right, Dragon-type Pokémon are back and they’re truly bringing the heat by featuring Rayquaza VMAX as one of the best cards in the entire set. If Dragon-type Pokémon, like Regidrago and Duraladon VMAX, aren’t your thing, this set features many Pokémon that Evolve from Eevee! Umbreon VMAX is similar to Boss’s Orders from Rebel Clash because its Dark Signal Ability allows you to switch one of your opponent’s Benched Pokémon with their Active Pokémon when you Evolve into it. Having access to built-in gust, being a Single Strike Pokémon, and a decent attack makes this Pokémon awesome for competitive play! There are also plenty of Rapid Strike Pokémon, such as Vaporeon VMAX, that can work with their respective “Strike” style of options!
If you’re a collector, there are many awesome cards to collect, but the new Golden Energies (Darkness, Lightning, and Metal) will definitely add a sparkle to your collection. Evolving Skies truly elevates the Pokémon TCG metagame and will have you evolving your decks immediately.