Posted by Zach Lesage on 4/8/2021 to
Deck Lists
What’s up, PoTown readers?? Battle Styles has been out for about a week now, and I’ve had my fair share of time to test most of the new decks. While some of my other articles might feature Pokemon TCG cards that may require a handful of PTCGO code cards, this article has many cheaper decks to build. Some of the coolest decks don’t need to cost a whole bunch, like Primeape (Battle Styles), and they can compete with a lot of the best decks in the format. This article aims to share my favorite budget decks that are rocking out in the Battle Styles Pokemon metagame and let you know why they are so awesome! That being said, let’s hop into Weepinbell (Battle Styles) / Salazzle (Battle Styles).
Weepinbell / Salazzle

Weepinbell / Salazzle is the newest combo deck available in our Pokemon TCG online metagame, and it can seriously pack a punch. Salazzle does 90x damage for each Special Condition on your opponent’s Active Pokemon with Derisive Roasting attack, and you can add up to three different Special Conditions. That’s where Weepinbell comes in, you can use Dangerous Mucus to inflict Burned and Poison to add to Derisive Roasting. Yell Horn (Darkness Ablaze) adds the third Special Condition, Confused so that Derisive Roasting is hitting for 270 damage + Burn (20) + Poison (10) for a total of 300 per attack. The combo is difficult at times, but it is certainly a blast to try out. Let’s see how this list looks like.
Weepinbell / Salazzle Deck List
Pokémon (18) | Trainers (34) | Energy (8) |
1x Crobat V SHF 44 | 4x Yell Horn DAA 173 | 4x Twin Energy RCL 174 |
4x Salandit BST 27 | 1x Ordinary Rod SSH 171 | 4x Triple Acceleration Energy UNB 190 |
4x Salazzle BST 28 | 1x Leon VIV 154 | |
3x Bellsprout BST 1 | 4x Quick Ball SSH 179 | |
3x Weepinbell BST 2 | 4x Bruno BST 121 | |
1x Dedenne-GX UNB 195 | 3x Boss Orders SHF 58 | |
1x Mew PR-SM 215 | 4x Level Ball BST 129 | |
1x Mewtwo PR-SM 214 | 4x Scoop Up Net RCL 165 | |
1x Kogas Trap HIF 59 | ||
4x Professors Research SHF 60 | ||
2x Reset Stamp UNM 206 | ||
2x U-Turn Board UNM 211 |
Primeape / Spiritomb

Primeape (Battle Styles) is mad, so mad that it hits hard with Steamin’ Mad Strike! That attack does 50x damage for each of your Benched Pokemon that has any damage counters on them. We need to address two issues immediately: Steamin’ Mad Strike can’t be powered up by a Twin Energy (Rebel Clash), and you need to add damage onto your Benched Pokemon. We can solve the first issue by adding in Houndoom (Battle Styles) to accelerate Single Strike Energy (Battle Styles) which means you can easily attack with Primeape. To fix the other issue, this deck plays Spiritomb (Unbroken Bonds) and Jynx (Unified Minds) to add damage counters into play. With all of these things going for the deck and the option to hit for 250+ damage, let’s peep out of this list!
Primeape Spiritomb Deck List
Pokémon (19) | Trainers (33) | Energy (8) |
2x Houndour BST 95 | 2x Escape Rope BST 125 | 4x Aurora Energy SSH 186 |
2x Spiritomb UNB 112 | 2x Ordinary Rod SSH 171 | 4x Single Strike Energy BST 141 |
2x Houndoom PR-SW 90 | 4x Quick Ball SSH 179 | |
4x Mankey BST 66 | 4x Pokemon Communication TEU 152 | |
4x Primeape BST 67 | 4x Bruno BST 121 | |
1x Dedenne-GX UNB 195 | 2x Air Balloon SSH 156 | |
2x Jynx UNM 76 | 2x Boss Orders SHF 58 | |
1x Mew PR-SM 215 | 4x Level Ball BST 129 | |
1x Oricorio-GX CEC 95 | 4x Professors Research SSH 178 | |
2x Marnie SSH 169 | ||
3x Urn of Vitality BST 139 |
Cherrim / Tapu Bulu

Cherrim (Battle Styles) is great at accelerating Energy, but it comes with some serious limitations. Its Spring Bloom Ability is great at attaching Grass Energy, but you can’t attach them to Pokemon that have a Rule Box (Pokemon V, Pokemon-GX, etc., have Rule Boxes). So what Pokemon can you power up? The first Pokemon that comes to mind is Tapu Bulu (Battle Styles) because it doesn’t have a Rule Box and can hit for a lot of damage with Nature’s Judgment. Based on a simple Jirachi (Team Up) / Scoop Up Net (Rebel Clash) to maximize consistency, this deck seems to have a decent shot at working. Let’s check out this deck!
Cherrim / Tapu Bulu Deck List
Pokémon (17) | Trainers (32) | Energy (11) |
1x Crobat V SHF 44 | 1x Energy Retrieval SSH 160 | 9x Grass Energy SWSH |
3x Cherubi BST 7 | 1x Great Catcher CEC 192 | 2x Recycle Energy UNM 212 |
4x Tapu Bulu BST 16 | 2x Ordinary Rod SSH 171 | |
3x Cherrim PR-SW 88 | 3x Training Court RCL 169 | |
1x Dedenne-GX UNB 195 | 4x Scoop Up Net RCL 165 | |
3x Jirachi PR-SM 161 | 2x Escape Rope BST 125 | |
1x Mew PR-SM 215 | 2x Switch SSH 183 | |
1x Mewtwo PR-SM 214 | 2x Boss Orders SHF 58 | |
4x Professors Research SHF 60 | ||
4x Bruno BST 121 | ||
4x Quick Ball SSH 179 | ||
3x Pokemon Communication TEU 152 |
Have Fun
I hope this article has you hyped to pick up all of the Pokemon TCG code cards you need to grab to finish any of these fun budget decks! All of them seem to have a chance to shine in our PTCGO metagame and have a shot to beat some of the best decks available. If you have any other questions that you couldn’t find in this article, feel free to comment below or reach out to me on Social Media. I have thoroughly enjoyed writing this article, and I hope to create more great content for Po Town. Best of luck on your Pokemon journey!
About the Writer
Zach Lesage is a contributing writer for As a Toronto local, he played the Pokemon Trading Card Game since 2005 and creates Pokemon content as his full-time career. Under the moniker of theloneblown, he creates YouTube content, streams on Twitch, and provides hot takes on his Twitter. With multiple prestigious accomplishments in the game, such as the 2020 Players Cup 2 Champion and the 2020 Oceania International Championships Finalist, he has proven his success in the game. Outside of the game, he travels the world, enjoys the culture of designer streetwear, and is a professionally trained chef. You can catch him at most Pokemon events and follow him on Twitter @ZachLesagePTCG.